Underage Drinking & Driving
Westchester County Underage DWI Attorneys
Notice: If you are needing to sue for damages or a victim of a crime please reach out to a civil attorney or the police.
New York State has a “Zero Tolerance Law” for underage drinkers who are found to have consumed alcohol and are operating a motor vehicle. If you are under the age of 21 and you have a Blood Alcohol Concentration (“BAC”) of between 0.02% and 0.07%, then the Zero Tolerance Law applies to you. Penalties are as follows:
BAC BETWEEN 0.02% and 0.07%
- Traffic offense - driving after having consumed alcohol
- DMV Administrative Hearing
- $125 in fines
- 6 months suspension of license - minimum
BAC BETWEEN 0.05% and 0.07%
- Optional charge of DWAI
- Appear in criminal court/same penalties as driver over the age of 21
BAC OF 0.07%
- Charge of DWAI
- Appear in criminal court/same penalties as driver over the age of 21
BAC of 0.08% or higher
- Charge of DWI
- Appear in criminal court/same penalties as driver over the age of 21
If you or a loved one is under the age of 21 and has been charged with any of the above DWI/DWAI offenses, Riebling & Payton, PLLC can provide you with the legal representation you deserve. Our founding attorney spent several years practicing as a criminal prosecutor for New York City, giving our firm an edge when formulating a client’s defense strategy.
Call (914) 712-6878 today for a free consultation with an experienced Westchester County underage DWI lawyer.
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Experience, Insight, and Results over a Combined 5 Decades of Practice
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